More than 250,000 people across the UK are estimated to be affected by CFS/ME or show similar symptoms, and many other patients suffer in silence without a positive diagnosis. CFS/ME is one of the most complex disorders in medicine, and despite the advances in research and technology, there is no definitive diagnosis or treatment in place for this devastating disease.
What is CFS/ME?
CFS/ME is a multi system disorder characterised by extreme fatigue and cognitive, immune and autonomic dysfunction. Viral infections and immunological disorders are thought to contribute to the onset of CFS/ME, and genetics and psychosocial factors play a part as well.
Each patient is different, with varying triggers and a range of symptoms, and some patients can be affected for several months whilst others for many years. CFS/ME can affect patients at any stage of life, and as the name suggests, it is a chronic illness; symptoms lasting more than six months are indicative of a positive diagnosis.
The Perrin Technique
Here at Rakhee Osteopathy, we can help you. We are proud practitioners of The Perrin Technique. Our team can help you by providing a positive diagnosis and an individually tailored treatment plan that will help you manage your symptoms more effectively. The Perrin Technique was designed to help patients suffering from CFS/ME, fibromyalgia and other post-viral diseases such as long COVID, and it involves a special osteopathic massage strategy that can help remove toxins from the body and alleviate the symptoms of CFS/ME.
There has been much talk about long COVID in the media, and many people across the world are still affected by the lasting effects of COVID-19. If you were affected by COVID-19 and feel as if you have lost your strength and vitality, then you need to speak to us at Rakhee Osteopathy and find out about The Perrin Technique.
Dr Raymond Perrin’s work
The Perrin Technique was established by Dr Raymond Perrin here in the UK. Dr Perrin is an osteopath and neuroscientist recognised widely for his ongoing research into CFS/ME and similar diseases. Dr Perrin has put together a list of symptoms that need to be identified in order to provide a positive diagnosis for CFS/ME.
Here at Rakhee Osteopathy, we have more than a decade of experience in applying The Perrin Technique to patients who are suffering from different extents of CFS/ME, and we can create a tailored treatment plan for you. We have twice been awarded by Dr Raymond Perrin himself for excellence in our practice of The Perrin Technique.
If you have already received a diagnosis from your GP or you believe you are affected by CFS/ME, long COVID or other similar conditions, you need to speak to our team at Rakhee Osteopathy. Feel free to visit our website and book a consultation with us to find out more about how The Perrin Technique can help you on your path to recovery.