CFS/ME is a debilitating multi system illness that can affect patients at any age and from all walks of life. It can affect young children, active adults and even the elderly who are enjoying their retirement. Previously, CFS/ME was seen as a psychological disorder, but now it has been recognised as a biological disease. Millions of patients are affected by CFS/ME across the world, and it has a broad presentation beginning with flu-like symptoms and headaches. These symptoms can then progress to sleep disturbances and extreme fatigue and eventually result in cognitive impairment, a weakened immune system, gastrointestinal disturbances, aches and pains and the loss of mobility. In almost all cases, the patient will no longer be able to carry out their daily activities, and some may find themselves bound to a wheelchair or even a bed.
What causes CFS/ME and other similar illnesses?
CFS/ME is a mysterious illness, and no definitive diagnosis or treatment has been agreed upon. Dr Raymond Perrin, a neuroscientist and osteopath, has carried out decades of research into CFS/ME and created The Perrin Technique. The Perrin Technique explains that CFS/ME is caused by a buildup of toxins in the cerebrospinal fluid; this results in the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, a system responsible for homeostasis.
The autonomic nervous system is composed of two parts: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The buildup of toxins in the body is thought to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which puts the body into continuous fight-or-flight mode, and this results in the physical, mental and emotional exhaustion experienced by CFS/ME patients.
The Perrin Technique in the diagnosis of CFS/ME
The Perrin Technique can be used to provide a positive diagnosis for CFS/ME. Dr Perrin’s research has found that patients suffering from CFS/ME have similar physical findings. A manual and visual assessment of the patient is required to positively diagnose CFS/ME.
Our practitioner of The Perrin Technique will look for five specific signs; this includes observing the patient while standing up to help identify any postural or mechanical disturbances in the thoracic spine. With the patient lying down, we will then look for varicosities in the breast tissue and abnormal tenderness of the Perrin point, which is located near the left nipple. Next, whilst the patient remains lying down, we will look for a tender coeliac plexus in the upper central area of the abdomen, and finally, we will examine the head and neck to assess the cranial rhythmic impulse for dampened cranial flow.
If we find that all five signs are present, then the patient is classified as having CFS/ME; this is in addition to persistent or recurrent fatigue for at least the past 6 months. Once you have a positive diagnosis of CFS/ME or another similar disease that causes chronic fatigue, our skilled practitioners will create a tailored treatment plan to help you combat your symptoms and get your life back on track. Speak to us at Rakhee Osteopathy today and find out more about The Perrin Technique.