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Living with CFS/ME with the help of The Perrin technique

Writer's picture: RakheeRakhee

The Perrin Technique

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS/ME is a multi-system disorder with devastating effects.

CFS/ME affects people at any stage of life. It can affect young children and it can affect the elderly. Some patients have underlying diseases or disorders, whilst others may be fit and healthy. What begins as tiredness and lethargy progresses to extreme fatigue, aches and pains all over the body, poor coordination, sleep disturbances, confusion and memory loss. Research shows that patients who are suffering from CFS/ME have a range of manifestations which include impaired function of the central nervous system, immune system and lymphatic system, as well as abnormal cellular metabolism which may be responsible for this wide range of symptoms.

It is a highly complicated disease which differs from patient to patient and as there is no definitive cause or diagnosis it is often confused with more explainable issues including depression. Other similar disorders include fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease and recently in the last two years we have also seen patients infected with COVID present symptoms that are similar to CFS/ME many months after a negative test result. If you have been suffering from symptoms similar to this or if you have a positive diagnosis for your symptoms and you are suffering from long COVID or CFS/ME, you need to speak to us at Rakhee Mediratta Osteopathy and find out about The Perrin Technique.

The Perrin Technique

Here at Rakhee Mediratta Osteopathy we are award-winning practitioners of The Perrin Technique. The Perrin Technique is an osteopathic technique developed over the last three decades by neuroscientist and osteopath Dr Raymond Perrin who carried out much research into the field of CFS/ME. He believes that toxins build up in the body over time from a range of different factors including stress, environmental pollutants, viruses and infections. A final trigger such as a virus, for example COVID-19, puts the body into a fight or flight mode and this results in the range of symptoms that can be seen in patients suffering from CFS/ME.

The body is trying to fight foreign invaders, for example, the virus, but cannot do so positively because there is already a build-up of toxins in the body. The lymphatic system usually drains these, however, Dr Perrin believes that the lymphatic system in these patients may not be working efficiently. He developed The Perrin Technique London to help encourage lymph flow around the body so that toxins can be metabolised and excreted quickly and successfully to promote better health and well-being. The technique is an osteopathic technique and it includes soft tissue massage of the head, neck, chest as well as spinal manipulation and cranial massage techniques to encourage better lymphatic drainage. These remove the toxins from the body to reduce and eventually combat your symptoms so that you can get your life back on track very soon. Visit our website and find out how we have helped patients manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life and let us help do the same for you.


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