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Rakhee Mediratta
Central & West London ~ Chalfont

Rakhee has helped over 5,000+ patients in 17 years
Registered Osteopath & Advanced Licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner in London & South East England
for Chronic Fatigue/ME & Fibromyalgia

Jun 3, 20212 min read
The development of The Perrin Technique
Dr Raymond Perrin is an Osteopath and pioneer in the field of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome also known as CFS/ME. He has been researching the...

May 30, 20212 min read
Our implementation of the Perrin technique
Here at Rakhee Osteopathy in London, we based our implementation of the Perrin technique in London on the work performed in the early 90s...

May 27, 20212 min read
Cerebrospinal fluid and its role in chronic fatigue syndrome
The Perrin technique in London comes from Ray Perrin’s original fortunate treatment of a chronic fatigue syndrome in-patient, who...

May 20, 20212 min read
Chronic fatigue patients - how we help
There are several possible mechanisms associated with the disease, chronic fatigue syndrome. In fact, it's definition as a syndrome...

May 13, 20212 min read
How the Perrin technique in London can benefit you
At Rakhee Osteopathy we understand how awful it can be to suffer on a daily basis because of chronic fatigue syndrome or ME, as well as...

Apr 23, 20212 min read
Lets get deep with the Perrin Technique
The work we have done providing The Perrin Technique in London has given us great insight into the suffering of CFS/ME patients, and the...

Apr 16, 20212 min read
What is Post COVID Syndrome?
The last year has bee challenging and as we all get used to are new normals while performing the The Perrin technique in London, some...

Apr 9, 20212 min read
The Perrin Technique and you- what does the technique do to your body and how does it work?
The Perrin technique in London is the therapeutic application of manual lymphatic drainage to clear congested toxins out of cerebral...

Mar 27, 20212 min read
Rakhee Osteopathy and The Perrin Technique in London
Suffering from a debilitating condition such as ME or CFS can be a difficult and frustrating way to live life when you want to be out...

Mar 20, 20212 min read
The Perrin Technique in London: What is it?
At Rakhee Osteopathy, we provide the Perrin Technique which is used to improve the symptoms of conditions such as ME, post-viral fatigue,...

Mar 13, 20213 min read
Post-viral fatigue? The Perrin technique in London with Rakhee could help!
If you have struggled with conditions such as post-viral fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease or another similar neurological condition,...

Feb 27, 20212 min read
How the Perrin technique in London can provide relief
Osteopathy can offer patients relief from many different physical ailments such as general aches and pains, joint pain, poor circulation,...

Feb 20, 20212 min read
A free online assessment for the Perrin technique in London
Have you heard about this innovative diagnostic tool and treatment that has received positive remarks in clinical trials through such...

Feb 6, 20212 min read
How the Perrin technique in London can work for you
For those individuals who are suffering from post-viral fatigue amongst other conditions of the body caused by systematic malfunctions...

Jan 16, 20212 min read
CFS/ME and treatment with the Perrin Technique in London
CFS/ME chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis is one of many medical conditions which are poorly understood and treated by...

Jan 9, 20212 min read
Progress in adoptions of the Perrin Technique in London
At Rakhee Osteopathy we are providers of the Perrin Technique in London and are passionate about greater adoption of the treatment with...

Jan 2, 20212 min read
The Perrin Technique - treatment pathway for CFS/ME patients
At Rakhee Osteopathy we are proud to provide the Perrin Technique in London to the highest standard. This technique was developed in 1989...

Dec 20, 20202 min read
Have you heard of the Perrin technique in London?
At Rakhee Osteopathy, we have extensive experience of treating patients with conditions such as ME and CFS using the Perrin technique in...

Dec 13, 20203 min read
Rakhee Osteopathy and the Perrin technique in London
Here at Rakhee Osteopathy, we offer the Perrin technique in London for anyone suffering with issues such as post-viral fatigue,...

Dec 6, 20202 min read
What are the benefits of the Perrin technique in London?
An osteopath is a professional who uses non-invasive manual manipulation of the muscles and bones to provide their patients with relief...
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